Upload & Ask
Upload documents for automatic question generation, test and evaluate response.
Note:- Question & answer generation requires a certain number of credits.
Steps for Upload & Ask
Upload File:
- Upload a .txt (max 10KB) or .pdf (max 50KB) file and select the file to begin the question and generation.
- Upload a .txt (max 10KB) or .pdf (max 50KB) file and select the file to begin the question and generation.
Configure Question Generation:
Question Types: Select the desired question type:
- Single Choice: Questions with one correct answer.
- Multiple Choice: Questions with multiple correct answers.
- Descriptive: Open-ended questions.
Difficulty Levels: Select the desired level of difficulty for generated questions: easy, medium, or hard.
Generate Questions and answer:
- Click Next. LangTest will auto-generate questions and answers from the uploaded document.
- Click Next. LangTest will auto-generate questions and answers from the uploaded document.
Test the Model:
- Click the "Ask" button to initiate the testing process. LangTest will automatically query the model with each generated question, one at a time.
- Click the "Ask" button to initiate the testing process. LangTest will automatically query the model with each generated question, one at a time.
Evaluate the model's output to the generated answers and determine their accuracy, classifying them as either correct or incorrect.
Determine the similarity between the model's generated descriptive answers and the reference answers to calculate similarity scores.